Sunday, November 15, 2009

Anointed or Annoying?

Hi All!
So today we had an amazing worship service. I was expecting a low attendance day with hunting season beginning and all. Much to my surprise (and delight) the Spirit showed up in full today. I was preaching on James 5, one of my faves and talking about how important it is for us to be truly grounded in prayer. (I'm sure you've all heard that sermon a million times). For the children's sermon I talked with the little people about what anointing is all about and had them anoint one another's hands with oil. They seemed to get the whole thing and thought it was pretty cool. One kid even said..."I've never been anointed before, but I've been annoying..) Gotta love those kiddos.

Well, just for your laughing pleasure I thought I would share one of those pastor moments when you wish you could just erase the last thing you said. I was trying to explain to the congregation the power of being anointed. I have not had a ton of experience with this, but do believe strongly in the power of prayer and God's presence during these sacred moments. Sounds good, right?

I started to explain that for some folks the idea of being anointed and prayed over can be pretty scary, especially when they have not experienced before or aren't sure what is happening. This is when it happened...the dumbest thing came out of my mouth! "Being anointed isn't like some holy's about being touched by God and prayed for, that God would hear and respond to your deepest longings." Hmmm...probably made some sort of record by talking about being rubbed on in church, don't you think?
Now I am kind of considering getting my massage therapy degree...maybe being a pastor and masseuse would be a great combo? Think of the money I could make for the church!

The good news is that we had lots of folks come up for anointing, I had the blessed opportunity to pray with each of them, and then we ended the service by singing this awesome song called, "Revival."

Thank you Spirit, for a wonderful eye-opening day. This pastor really needed it!

1 comment:

  1. Rubbed down by the Holy Spirit - that certainly is NOT annoying! Devon - You Rock!

    Brother Tim
