No matter how hard I try, even in cutting out some of the things that have been taking up tons of brain time, I seem to always have more on the "to-do" list. And, when I'm not "doing" I often feel bad about it, which might make me even crazier.
I often preach that message, "Faith is not about doing, it is about being." Faith isn't about performance, getting things done, evangelizing is about knowing you are loved even when you perform terribly. I liken it to my first experiences playing the piano in church. Having your mom as the church organist basically means that you have lots of opportunity to play in worship. It's great until you actually sit down on that bench, your hands get all sweaty, and as you look at the sheet music you realize that something has taken over your brain and you can't remember how to play this instrument after all. But, no matter how terrible my offertory was, no matter how many notes I missed during the hymns, the folks would hug on me after church like they'd never heard anything so beautiful in their entire lives! (You know those kind of folks, don't you....I love those folks.)
It's these unconditional love people that change our lives and teach us about who we are and how we want to live our lives. I want to be a person like that, don't you? Most of the time loving others comes pretty easily to me, and often I find myself wanting to care for folks I don't even really know. I wonder then, why it is so difficult for me to realize that God's expectations of me aren't really based on what I accomplish as a pastor, or daughter, or friend...but that I just need to focus on God's presence and leading and trust in faith that what God wants most for me is to just be present in relationship.
We have had two snow days now, we have tons of snow. It's really beautiful outside and I love it! Not having so much to do for the past couple days has given me the opportunity to reflect on the joys of being a pastor (praying with folks, fielding phone calls, having sacred conversations with people who are hurting, attending youth band concerts, wrestling matches, basketball games, and sometimes I even remember that it's ok for me to just take some time to spend with the quiet).
On this snow day (though it might be 80 degrees where you live) I hope you will find a place of rest and time to just be with God. Who knows what God has in store for you!
You are amazing. And you're absolutely right. God's love is like parents at a Christmas Concert. No matter what happens, they are proud and they get the message. Merry Christmas dear friend, Hope to see you sometime soon.